Understand The R&D Process

Tips to Learn More

  • FDA has several resources that can help you learn more about the therapy development process. Although not specific to patient groups, the information is provided in an easy to understand manner:
  • Global Genes , a nonprofit with the mission of connecting, empowering, and inspiring the rare disease community, provides several resources focused on the therapy development process.
  • European Patients’ Academy  is a website focused on education and training to increase the ability of patients to understand and contribute to medical research and development. This site includes online courses, webinars, and a searchable toolbox with over 3,000 resources.


Preparation for Clinical Trials
Developing Products for Rare Diseases & Conditions U. S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) (link)
Tips to Learn More
How Does FDA Approve a Drug U. S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) (link)
The Drug Development Process U. S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) (link)
The Device Development Process U. S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) (link)
CDER Learn Training and Education U. S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) (link)
Drug Approval: Bringing a New Drug to the Market U. S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) (link)
European Patients' Academy European Patients' Academy on Therapeutic Innovation (link)