Caregiver perspective
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Caregiver perspective may include a caregiver’s observations and thoughts of how a disease affects the person they are caring for or how well a treatment or intervention works for the person in their care. The caregiver perspective may be different from both the patient perspective and the medical provider perspective. If a patient is too young or the disease is too debilitating, the caregiver perspective may be the only representation of the patient voice.

Caregiver perspective may also include the burden of caring for a person with a specific disease, including financial and emotional burden, as well as the effects on other family members. In most cases, this perspective will come from caregivers who are family members or friends.

Sourced From
U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA): Patient-Focused Drug Development Glossary
MedlinePlus: Caregivers
Learn More
NCATS Toolkit for Patient-Focused Therapy Development: Empower Your Patient Community Voice
NCATS Toolkit for Patient-Focused Therapy Development: Determine Patients’ Needs

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